<Confucius and Socrates - the dialogue of Sages between China and the West>Oil on canvas Wan Li 180cmX200cm
The German ideologist, Karl Jaspers, developed the famous theory of an Axial Age. Jaspers praised highly countries, such as ancient Greece, ancient China, and ancient India for their ancient civilizations. He believed that these civilizations cultivated great ideologists in almost the same era but in different places and those people became spiritual mentors to their respective civilizations. Therefore, this era created sages with representative characters, such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle within Greek civilization, Laozi and Confucius within Chinese civilization and Buddha within the Indian civilization. The so-called "Axis Age" means that, because of the great ideas provided by those great ideologists, we have different characteristics. Thus, the ideological differences bring diversified cultures to human beings.
The painting was inspired by the painter's dream in 2009, in which Confucius and Socrates smiled at the painter, and the two philosophers laughed very kindly.The painting depicts the two great western and eastern ideologists, Socrates and Confucius, who both belonged to the "Axis Age". By imagining the scene, painters recreated pictures of their encounter and enthusiastic dialogue, and what stands behind those two great philosophers is an olive tree that symbolizes peace and wisdom. Since then, European enlightenment philosophers in the 17th and 18th centuries have a deep understanding of China and carried out collective imaginations about Chinese culture by means of the information center of missionaries who went to China. At this time, "China Fever" is getting increasingly popular in European society. As for the scene of the interactions between Chinese and Western cultures, it was a real scenario and was recorded in letters by the Enlightenment ideologists.