Emperor Keitai Taming the Floods by Wan Li & Tang Zhuo, 134 x165cm, Oil on Canvas, 2020
For thousands of years, the image of Yu the Great as a wise, industrious, thrifty, and self-disciplined man has spread to the Korean Peninsula and Japan, where it is revered by the local people. From the time when Wani spread the Confucian classics, including the Analects, to Japan, where they became textbooks for language learning and humanistic cultivating. Yu the Great thus became a glorious model for the Japanese people. To this day, compulsory education in Japan explicitly requires the mastery of 2,136 Chinese characters. This was the beginning of Japan’s integration into the Culture of the Sinographic World and the vigorous development of Confucianism in Japan.
The earliest temple of King Yu in Japan was built in 1228. Now the Tokugawa Art Museum in Nagoya holds a gold statue of King Yu dating from 1630. In addition, there are 165 various traces for worship the Yu the Great throughout Japan. Inspired by the spirit of the Yu the Great, the water control project directly led by the emperors themselves began 1,500 years ago. In the ancient times of present-day Fukui Prefecture, there was a large river called the Kuzuryūgawa River, which flooded over the years and made life unbearable for the people them. At this time, a descendant of Emperor Ōjin led the people to control the waters and succeeded against all odds, and were crowned as the 26th emperor, known as Emperor Keitai (450-531).
The painting shows Emperor Keitai inspecting the Kuzuryūgawa River after its restoration, holding a copy of the book The Analects, Chapter Taibo of which recounts the deeds of Yu the great, in his hand, to show his very gratitude to this Legend. In order to commemorate Emperor Keitai’s great deeds of flood control, a huge stone statue was erected on the top of the mountain overlooking the Kuzuryūgawa River, and nearby is the Asuwa Shrine dedicated to Emperor Keitai and a stone monument inscribed with Yu the Great as a model.