Confucius talking about aspirations with Yan Hui and Zilu
The Analects of Confucius recounts the scene in which Confucius and his students talk about their aspirations:
While Yan Yuan and Jilu were waiting on him, the Master said: “Why don’t each of you speak of your desires?” Zilu said: “ I wish that I and my friends could share the same carriages and horses, robes and furs, and never worry if we wore them out.” Yan Yuan said: “I would like never to boast of what good points I have and never cause trouble to others.” Zilu said: “I would like to hear the Master’s desires.” The Master said: “To free old people from worry, to be trustworthy toward my friends, and at all times solicitous of the young.”
From the passage above, we can see that Confucius’ aspiration is never just to cultivate himself to be a perfect man, but also to extend love universally and cultivate himself in order to make others feel at ease. That was exactly the reason why the Confucian scholars were concerned with not only their families, but also their country and the world.