Voltaire's study room
伏尔泰(1694-1778)是法国启蒙思想家弗朗西斯•马理•阿鲁耶特(François-Marie Arouet) 的笔名。他也是作家、哲学家、史学家。他是十八世纪以法国为中心的欧洲资产阶级启蒙运动的领袖,被誉为“法兰西思想之王”。伏尔泰对欧洲及美国的社会发展的历史进程产生很大影响, 对世界的发展做出了很大贡献。时至今日,他对现代社会的影响仍然在延续。
伏尔泰十分喜爱以儒家为代表的中国文化。它不仅在文章中褒扬中国,也努力推广中国文化在欧洲的传播,伏尔泰在他的著作和书信中多次推崇孔子,他认为,“孔子是真正的圣人,是人类的立法者,。” 在历时十六年完成《论各民族的精神与风俗》(简称《风俗论》)中,伏尔泰指出,基督教不是一个文明和有道德的社会所必需的。 他认为,所有社会已都应该知道孔子,并利用他的思想作为道德的基础。
Voltaire (1694-1778) is the pseudonym of Franois-Marie Arouet, a French enlightenment ideologist. He was also a writer, philosopher and historian. He was the leader of the European bourgeois Enlightenment Movement centered on France in the eighteenth century and was known as the "King of French Thought". Voltaire had a great influence on the historical process of social development in Europe and in the United States of America, because of his great contributions to the development of the world. At the present time, he continues to influence modern society.
Voltaire was interested in China, especially Confucianism culture. In his writings, Voltaire not only praised China but also promoted the spread of Chinese culture in Europe. Voltaire always spoke highly of Confucius in his writings and letters. He believed that "Confucius is a real master and a legislator of human beings." In his book, "On the Spirits and Customs of Nationalities" (hereinafter referred to as "On Customs"), which he took 16 years to complete, Voltaire pointed out that Christianity was not a necessity for a civilized and moral society. He believed that all societies should know Confucius and should adopt his ideology as their moral foundation.
In Voltaire's study room, a portrait of Confucius is hung on the opposite wall of his desk. Beneath the portrait is a poem in praise of Confucius: "Confucius teaches truth and enlightens minds by plain words. The sage never fails to know anything, and the whole nation spoke highly of Confucius doctrine.”