Montesquieu and Confucianism by Tang Zhuo, 134x165cm,Oil on Canvas, 2019
Charles-Louis Montesquieu (1689-1755) was a French Enlightenment thinker who, together with Voltaire and Rousseau, was known as the "Three Key Figures Of The French Enlightenment". Montesquieu was living in a period at the height of the “Chinese Culture Craze” in France and he took a great interest in China by read a great deal of Chinese books. Montesquieu’s theory of the separation of powers and the establishment of the rule of law had a great and far-reaching impact on future generations. His critique of Eastern autocracies did not detract from his affirmation of the wisdom of the “great genius” of Confucianism, which remains instructive for today’s proper understanding of the relationship between Confucianism and modernity.
Montesquieu greatly appreciated the Chinese feudal government’s policy of encouraging farming, and he believed that the Chinese government had valued farming throughout the ages, noting in particular that “accounts of China speak of an annual ritual of ploughing by the Chinese emperors. The purpose of this public and solemn ceremony was to encourage the people to engage in ploughing”. He praised China for its good customs and the spirit of hard-working and simplicity. He aspired to a society in which there was political peace, a sound legal system and a high moral standard among the people. Confucius’ ideas of “benevolent government” and “rule of rites” were strongly celebrated by Montesquieu. In his view, the Confucian doctrine of benevolence and propriety is the legislative code of Chinese society.